Friday, July 19, 2013

Review of Musk Sticks, watermelon slice, slate pencils and rainbow belts by Ashleigh Norsa 14 years old

Hi! Well, its in, another review by one of our customers Ashleigh Norsa. This is Ashleigh with someone who looks suspiciously like Leonardo De Caprio........Perhaps she can tall us about that in another blog! 

I was given a wide variety of lollies to try, and each one of them are so very different, so I have decided to review each one separately.

Watermelon Slices that you can buy at The Confectionery Hub are called this because that’s what they look like, a slice of watermelon! The Watermelon Slices are green, white and red to mimic the colours of a watermelon. The taste is sour to begin with, and becomes sweet after not too long and tastes a bit like watermelon. The texture is soft and smooth. If you like any of the clouds, then you will love the watermelon slices! I recommend the watermelon slices to anyone over the age of 5, as they are a little bit too hard for young teeth and are a sweet that can be enjoyed by all ages! These little watermelons would make a great morning tea snack, or as something small to eat between jobs and classes. The best part is when the sour sugar starts to come off and you have a mix of both sweet and sour, neither of which are overpowering. I give watermelon slices an 8/10!

Musk sticks are called what they are because really, they are just sticks of musk.  They look like long sticks, in the shape of a small star. The colour is pale pink, and they are very soft. The taste is a very sweet sensation as you put it in your mouth, and then tastes a lot like musk. If you like anything musk, you will love these musk sticks! I recommend musk sticks for anyone who has a sweet tooth, because they aren’t hard to chew and the taste is for all ages! The best part of eating a musk stick is when you first put it in your mouth, and get the sweetness of the musk. I give them a 6/10!

Slate pencils are called this because they are the shape of a pencil. They look like a stick of chalk. The slate pencils are a grey-purple colour. The texture is hard. It tastes a lot like liquorice. If you like liquorice, you will like these. I think the age group appropriate for this is 13 and up, because it is a very acquired taste that younger children wouldn’t like. Slate pencils would make a great after dinner treat! I give slate pencils a 7/10!

The Rainbow Belts are called this because of what they look like, belts that are rainbow. They are firm, but not too hard. The taste is a little bit fruity; each different colour is a different flavour. If you like the watermelon slices, you will love these! The age group best for this is 5-20 because they are a basic but delicious flavour. The best bit is when you peel the strap into the different colours and eat them separately. I give them an 8/10.

Well another great review, I look forward to more as the weeks go by!

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